From dubious cowboy couture purchases while Secretary of State to a developer's dream politician punctuated by troubling side-consulting gigs in the legal and voting realms, Wayne Williams works for his next election bought and paid for by the elite few - he does not represent the people nor seem to care one whit about integrity as he brazenly lobbies for developers as their projects come under fire from the voters for risking public safety which should be every politicians first priority.

Was this the $475 cowboy hat which also included a purchase of $349.80 purchase of tuxedo pants, a $699.60 purchase of dress boots, and a $69.96 purchase of socks in 2015; a $327 purchase of jeans, and a $268.50 purchase of dress shirts, a $238 purchase of a sport coat and dress shirt for the Denver Rustlers charity fundraiser at the State Fair as well as attorney fees that resulted in an ethics complaint for using state discretionary funds? This complaint was ultimately dismissed because many of the purchases fell outside the statute of limitations -- that doesn't mean, however, it wasn't true. As an aside, in addition to making history for being Colorado’s only statewide elected official to be investigated by a grand jury for criminal conduct related to the duties of his office, he has mighty swanky taste for a public servant wouldn't you say?
"Ah, to look out and see the cranes filling the skyline." Wayne Williams
We have been overwhelmed with interest in recalling Wayne Williams, but we need donations and an army to do this. So, if you care about restoring integrity to our local leadership, we need both donations (all amounts help) and more volunteers. You can sign up to volunteer and donate on our website.
Wayne Williams Needs to Go
As Maya Angelou said, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time."
Developers over public safety - 2424, Kettle Creek, etc.
Pushes the boundaries of ethics in overseeing closed bid processes and accepting legal and consulting work which poses conflicts-of-interest. - TING, Runbeck Elections
Government funds to make dubious purchases?
Uses his position to advantage his future political aspirations sticking the public with the worst candidates, (i.e. Stephannie Fortune) to represent them who contradict his own criteria. In the replacement of D3 Council seat, Williams lobbied hard for Ms. Fortune and claimed running for that seat again (asked because Sallie Clark was in the mix) was of paramount importance. After Ms. Fortune told the press she wouldn't run when it looked like she wouldn't get annointed, he continued to lobby for her. Funny, how that works, isn't it?
The belly button of the Bubba Network.
Shame on us all if we sit and continue to allow this abuse of power. Let's fix it for once and for all. Be sure to sign up for our newsletters and follow us on Facebook to stay informed.
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