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Stand for Integrity in Leadership.  

It's on us to stand for integrity in our leadership & takes seconds to copy/paste and send an email to be heard and make those who are supporting this answer for it.  It doesn't matter if it's only hours until the polls close, we should send a message loud and clear that we are done accepting developers owning our elections and the Bubba Network stacking the deck with endorsements to persuade voters who are trying to make their bills and don't have time to fact check the barrage of misinformation.


Note:  The "To:" list are key endorsers of Ms. Talarico.  The press wants to and needs to hear from us all.  So, please copy them (list provided) so they see we object to this kind of abuse.

Dear Endorser of Candidate Michelle Talarico,


I am incredibly alarmed and troubled that you have not changed your endorsement of this candidate after the repeated disturbing reports showing that this Ms. Talarico is not only not qualified to hold office, numerous media reports and her own admissions demonstrate she has highly questionable ethical standards.  If your endorsement is to hold any meaning and you, as a person, are to maintain any respect, you must rescind your endorsement and call for her immediate withdrawal from the District 3 City Council Race. 


Though there have already been several media reports involving plagiarism on candidate survey answers and her conflicts-of-interests, two stories aired on March 30th, 2023 which clearly show Ms. Talarico cannot be entrusted with billion dollar taxpayer and ratepayer budgets.



After the previous reports, the KKTV and the KRDO story, Ms Talarico has now admitted to: 

  1. misrepresenting her qualifications,

  2. not correcting errors in stories about her college degree,

  3. plagiarizing answers to answers in candidate forums,

  4. conflicts of interests with every developer in town, and

  5. changing her answers after stating she favored giving parkland away (Strawberry Fields).


They say once you start lying it is difficult to stop. I have never seen a candidate with this many issues and so little integrity.  And, you say nothing?  Is this who you are? Please do the right thing and stand up against this incompetency and dishonorable behavior.





















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