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Homeless Issue Used to Give Wayne Williams a Candidate Talking Point - Reprehensible

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Note:  we absolutely support taking action and enforcing laws to address this problem, but this dark fairytale story being spun, now all over the state thanks to the Gazette and their sister publication in Denver, that Colorado Springs has solved the homeless problem is reprehensible.


At the very first mayoral forum hosted by the Rotary Club, Wayne Williams responded to the question about what the candidates would do to address homelessness with a sneaky smile that rivals Alice in Wonderland's Cheshire cat's smile - double entendre intended. He stood there and claimed that he was proud to report that Colorado Springs is the only city in the state that has seen a decrease in homelessness.  "WHAT?!!", we thought.   That's sure not what residents are seeing. So, we went looking, and friends of Integrity Matters actually interviewed a few homeless people.  Here's the real, disturbing story.


On Jan 9th, Brian Sherrod with KKTV News reported that a homeless sweep was being implemented.  You can see a clip of it in action here.  We believe that Suthers (always serving his land baron lords who were looking for ways to help Wayne Williams who has been polling badly since last August) ordered this action.  On January 20th, the Gazette reported that the annual homeless census count, a week-long attempt to count the homeless population, was kicking off the following Monday, January  23rd (just 13 days after the initial bulldoze).  Are you connecting the dots yet?  In talking with several homeless people following the "clean-up", friends of Integrity Matters were told that the police came in and took all their blankets, tents and bulldozed their camps and told them to go to a shelter, leave town or be arrested.  They scattered.  Not surprisingly, the homeless census showed record drops - the lowest since 2015 (Not!) reporting only 267 chronically homeless when it's normally over 400 and all the residents know that claim done to help Wayne Williams gain office and avert a problem that Suthers has failed miserably to address and only worsened it with his nonsensical Sit and Lie Ordinance which pushed them all into the westside neighborhoods, is patently false.  This census is bogus and deliberately manipulated to benefit Wayne Williams whose negative polling numbers, due to the Recall and his constant voting against public interests and safety, were really low.  We were informed of a poll that was purportedly done by the HBA (they start their work early) showed in August of 2022 that Darryl Glenn was beating Wayne.  After Sallie Clark entered the race, she has held the top spot in all the polls we have seen.


So, when you hear Wayne claim the city has record low homeless numbers, and you drive around town saying, "It sure doesn't look that way to me.", trust your gut.  It's despicable that these politicians treat humans this way and use them as pawns for political gain.  Tell your friends.  It's hard to see all this unless you watch the underbelly of Colorado Springs politics.  It's truly revolting.

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